Document Type : researcher


1 Ph.D. student of communication sciences at Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Professor of Communication Sciences Department of Allameh Tabatabai University


This research was conducted using a qualitative method and a descriptive-analytical method, in which the data obtained from interviews with users were thematically analyzed. The conceptual framework of the current research is not based on any theory and the theories presented in this research are only considered as a theoretical lens. In this conceptual framework, the theories of Stark and Beanbridge, Berger, Weber and Durkheim are emphasized. The field of study in this research is an interview with Instagram users who have followed meditation, positive thinking or success pages. Among these users, a semi-structured interview was conducted using a combination of non-probability sampling methods, including purposive sampling, availability sampling, and snowball sampling. From the findings obtained from interviews with users, the main concept of "individualization of spirituality" is in the direction of alienation from society, which includes the sub-concepts of self-ritualization of spirituality, personal fetishism, the centrality of experiences of lack of self, rejection of others and preference of oneself over him. Ritual literature is specific to itself, a temporary integration and arbitrariness and self-discipline in the spiritual rule.


Main Subjects